
Public Relations for FOTO WIEN 2025 and FOTO ARSENAL WIEN, Tel.: +43 676 849401314

Mag.a Claudia Stegmüller

Mailing List

By signing up for our mailing list, you will receive current press information and invitations to the press events of FOTO WIEN and FOTO ARSENAL WIEN. To sign up subscribe to our newsletter on our website and activate the “media” option.

Important Information for Journalists

We would be happy to provide you with a complimentary ticket for your media coverage of the festival and the events of FOTO ARSENAL WIEN (Festival Base at Q21/Freiraum at MuseumQuartier). You can pick up your ticket at the Festival Base ticket counter.

Please send a request to at least two days in advance. Be sure to include the name of your media outlet, the date of your visit, and a scan of your press ID card. Thank you!

You can pick up your review copy of the festival publication at the press conference of the festival or request one at a later date.

Photography Permits

If you would like to photograph or film at the exhibition or other events in the Festival Base, please apply for a permit from the head of public relations at Be sure to apply ahead of time.

We wish you a stimulating visit!

Press Images

A selection of copyrighted press images can be downloaded free of charge for use in media coverage of FOTO WIEN and FOTO ARSENAL WIEN. Other uses are not permitted. Before downloading, please register your credentials. The images may not be manipulated, cropped, or changed in any way. Published images must be accompanied by the full credit line including the title and copyrights.

We would appreciate it if you would inform us about all media coverage.

Conditions publications Magnum photos

 These 6 photographs may be used solely and exclusively in the context of promotion of the group exhibition “Crossing Lines”, presented at Foto Arsenal, Vienna, Austria, from June 1st to October 18th 2023, starting 2 months before its opening and ending with the closure of the exhibition. 

Only 2 of these photographs may be published copyright-free at any one time in the same issue or edition of the same medium (except for a special internal publication or exhibition guide). The size of these images should not be greater than half of one page. Please contact Magnum Photos to use on any front covers. 

Images must not be reproduced online at more than 1000 pixels without permission from Magnum Photos and must be removed from websites at the end of the event. 

© Max Schneider, Hedwig Lang-Donath, 1925–1938, Josephinum – Ethik, Sammlungen und Geschichte der Medizin, MedUni Wien
Herbert List, Trepanation (Wachsmodell aus der Werkstatt von Rudolf Pohl, Dresden), nach dem Originalnegativ von 1944 im Ausschnitt für List’s Panoptikum-Buch © Herbert List Archiv, Hamburg
VALIE EXPORT, BODY SIGN B, 1970, Silbergelatineabzug, 105 x 70 cm, ALBERTINA, Wien – The ESSL Collection © VALIE EXPORT, Bildrecht, Wien 2022 Foto: © Gertraud Wolfschwenger, Bildrecht, Wien 2023
© JÜRGEN KLAUKE, Toter Fotograf, 1988/1993, zweiteilige Fotoarbeit, 280 x 125 cm; © the artist, Courtesy Galerie Elisabeth & Klaus Thoman, Innsbruck / Wien
© Yoshinori Niwa, Transporting puddle A to puddle B, 2007-2022
©The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin, Divine Violence (detail), 2013, courtesy of The Goodman Gallery MACK
© Jacob Aue Sobol, from the Series James' House
© Künstler:in/Artist: Clupe Collective, Titel/Title: Flower Costume (alternative), Jahr/Year 2021, aus der Serie / from the series New Tribes , Medium, B&W print, Größe / Size (H x B) / (H x W) 150cm x 150cm, Copyright Clupe Collective (2021), Clupe Collective, Flower Hat, New Tribes, 2021, Copyright Clupe Collective
© Giovanna Silva, o. T. (6), 2022, courtesy of the artist and Zeller van Almsick
© Anastasiia Vlasova © A rocket sits in a field near grazing cows on 10 April 2022, in Lukashivka village, Chernihiv region, Ukraine
© Markus Guschelbauer, PINK TOPOGRAPHY, 2022, Inkjet Print, 70x90cm, copyright Markus Guschelbauer, courtesy galerie rauminhalt
© Marija Šabanović, Spaced Out 2, 2022, Marija Šabanović
© Michael Seirer Photography — Pressekonferenz FOTO WIEN 2023: Felix Hoffmann (Künstlerische Leitung FOTO ARSENAL WIEN)
© Michael Seirer Photography — Pressekonferenz FOTO WIEN 2023
© Michael Seirer Photography — Pressekonferenz FOTO WIEN 2023: Veronica Kaup-Hasler (Amtsführende Stadträtin für Kultur und Wissenschaft Wien)
© - Lorenz Seidler — Pressekonferenz FOTO WIEN 2023: Alexander Van der Bellen (Österreichische Bundespräsident)
© Michael Seirer Photography — Pressekonferenz FOTO WIEN 2023: Kateryna Radchenko und Felix Hoffmann (Kuratorin und Kurator der Ausstellung "Crossing Lines. Politics Of Images")
© Michael Seirer Photography — Pressekonferenz FOTO WIEN 2023: (von l. nach r.) Anja Manfredi (Künstlerin, Leiterin der Schule für künstlerische Photographie Friedl Kubelka), Cornelis van Almsick (Galerie Zeller van Almsick), Barbara Staudinger (Direktorin Jüdisches Museum), Wolfgang Kuzmits (Geschäftsführer Stadt Wien Kunst GmbH), Hannahlisa Kunyik (Künstlerin), Adam Broomberg (Künstler)
© Michael Seirer Photography — Pressekonferenz FOTO WIEN 2023: Adam Broomberg (Künstler)
© Michael Seirer Photography — Pressekonferenz FOTO WIEN 2023: Vita Mikhailov und Boris Mikhailov (Fotograf)
© Michael Seirer Photography — Pressekonferenz FOTO WIEN 2023: (von l. nach r.) Gerhard Steidl (Verleger, Geschäftsführer Steidl Verlag), Felix Hoffmann (Künstlerische Leitung FOTO ARSENAL WIEN)
© Michael Seirer Photography — Pressekonferenz FOTO WIEN 2023: Evgeniy Maloletka (Kriegsfotograf, Journalist, Filmemacher)
Aperture + art.magazine + Bildrecht GmbH + BMKÖS + Camera Austria + CEWE + Collectors Agenda + Der Standard + EIKON + EMOP + Fotogeschichte + + Hunger auf Kunst & Kultur + ImpulsTanz + Institut Français d'Autriche + Kein Sonntag Ohne Techno + Magnum Photos + ORF III + Österreichisches Filmmuseum + Ottakringer + Paris Photo + Peter Fuchs | pete r. fuxxx + profil + Radio Superfly + Schlumberger + Stadt Wien Kultur + Tanzquartier Wien + VIENNA SHORTS + Vienna Würstlstand + Volkstheater + ZOOM Kindermuseum +   Aperture + art.magazine + Bildrecht GmbH + BMKÖS + Camera Austria + CEWE + Collectors Agenda + Der Standard + EIKON + EMOP + Fotogeschichte + + Hunger auf Kunst & Kultur + ImpulsTanz + Institut Français d'Autriche + Kein Sonntag Ohne Techno + Magnum Photos + ORF III + Österreichisches Filmmuseum + Ottakringer + Paris Photo + Peter Fuchs | pete r. fuxxx + profil + Radio Superfly + Schlumberger + Stadt Wien Kultur + Tanzquartier Wien + VIENNA SHORTS + Vienna Würstlstand + Volkstheater + ZOOM Kindermuseum +