© Gregor Schmoll / Bildrecht, Wien 2023
Percy Rainford, Marcel Duchamps Atelier in der 210 West 14th Street, New York, 1945, © Österreichische Friedrich und Lillian Kiesler-Privatstiftung, Wien
Percy Rainford, Marcel Duchamps Atelier in der 210 West 14th Street, New York, 1945, © Österreichische Friedrich und Lillian Kiesler-Privatstiftung, Wien
© Gregor Schmoll / Bildrecht, Wien 2023
Gregor Schmoll. Puparium: Atelier/Studio
Österreichische Friedrich und Lillian Kiesler-Privatstiftung Mariahilfer Straße 1b/Top1, 1060 Wien
: Schmoll Gregor
The word puparium, which directly pays tribute to Frederick J. Kiesler’s collage Les Larves . . ., refers to the “rigid, outer shell” of art concepts, that is, the studio, from which imagines (images) emerge.

Please check the website of the organizer for current information and possible program changes.
Tue 10 AM—5 PM
Wed 10 AM—5 PM
Thu 10 AM—5 PM
Fri 10 AM—5 PM
Accessibility: Request to staff
: Schmoll Gregor
The word puparium, which directly pays tribute to Frederick J. Kiesler’s collage Les Larves . . ., refers to the “rigid, outer shell” of art concepts, that is, the studio, from which imagines (images) emerge.

Please check the website of the organizer for current information and possible program changes.