Ich liebe meine Tante Hoffnung (Tante Glaube), aus der Serie "Ich liebe meine Tante Hoffnung", 2023, © Borjana Ventzislavova
Borjana Ventzislavova: I Love My Aunt Hope
Bulgarian Cultural Institute Vienna "Haus Wittgenstein" Parkgasse 18, 1030 Wien
: Ventzislavova Borjana
: Walter Seidl
I Love My Aunt Hope includes fragments and compositions for holistic social politics and foregrounds a creative, free, and associative way of thinking. It is also pays homage to Ventzislavova’s aunt, who immigrated from communist Bulgaria to Austria in the 1960s and died in Vienna in 2020.

Please check the website of the organizer for current information and possible program changes.
Mon 10 AM—4:30 PM
Tue 10 AM—4:30 PM
Wed 10 AM—4:30 PM
Thu 10 AM—4:30 PM
Fri 10 AM—4:30 PM
Accessibility: Request to staff
: Ventzislavova Borjana
: Walter Seidl
I Love My Aunt Hope includes fragments and compositions for holistic social politics and foregrounds a creative, free, and associative way of thinking. It is also pays homage to Ventzislavova’s aunt, who immigrated from communist Bulgaria to Austria in the 1960s and died in Vienna in 2020.

Please check the website of the organizer for current information and possible program changes.