Marko Zink: Auslöschung_1 / Eradication_1, M 48° 15′ 24.13″ N, 14° 30′ 6.31″ E, galerie michaela stock, Marko Zink, 2017 © Marko Zink, galerie michaela stock
M 48° 15′ 24.13″ N, 14° 30′ 6.31″ E – The Eradication of Memory, Special Exhibition
KZ-Gedenkstätte Mauthausen Standort Wien Argentinierstraße 13, 1040 Wien
23. June 2023 | 11—16
The Mauthausen Memorial presents Marko Zink's exhibition on three floors in its office at the Vienna location. Talks & Guided tour with the artist.
The Mauthausen Memorial presents Marko Zink's exhibition on three floors in its office at the Vienna location. Talks & Guided tour with the artist.
Marko Zink: Auslöschung_1 / Eradication_1, M 48° 15′ 24.13″ N, 14° 30′ 6.31″ E, galerie michaela stock, Marko Zink, 2017 © Marko Zink, galerie michaela stock
M 48° 15′ 24.13″ N, 14° 30′ 6.31″ E – The Eradication of Memory, Special Exhibition
Friday 23. June | 11—16 Uhr
KZ-Gedenkstätte Mauthausen Standort Wien Argentinierstraße 13, 1040 Wien
The Mauthausen Memorial presents Marko Zink's exhibition on three floors in its office at the...