Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin: © The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin, Divine Violence (detail), 2013, courtesy of The Goodman Gallery MACK
The Politics of Images: Collecting Digital Practices
FOTO ARSENAL WIEN, Ovalhalle im MuseumsQuartier Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien
3. June 2023 | 16
Digital art does not come from nowhere, nor does it exist in a vacuum. It challenges traditional methods of ownership, interaction, distribution, and participation.
Digital art does not come from nowhere, nor does it exist in a vacuum. It challenges traditional methods of ownership, interaction, distribution, and participation.
Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin: © The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin, Divine Violence (detail), 2013, courtesy of The Goodman Gallery MACK
The Politics of Images: Collecting Digital Practices
Saturday 3. June | 16 Uhr
FOTO ARSENAL WIEN, Ovalhalle im MuseumsQuartier Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien
Digital art does not come from nowhere, nor does it exist in a vacuum. It challenges traditional...